Thursday 10 January 2013

Week 1: Whats nagging you?

The task for Week 1 is this:

"What is nagging at you? What feelings or thoughts are you having that indicate there is something more, something that will make you come alive? How is your life passion knocking on the door of your soul, asking to be uncovered? What awareness do you have about your desires to find your life passion?"

Have you ever had the feeling that there is more to life that just living aimlessly day by day? That there is more that just going to work, or going to school or uni everyday. I believe that everyone is born with a purpose and that we are meant to find that purpose and fulfill it. 

When we have found that purpose, our lives will become more meaningful. We will feel more content, more grateful with what we have in life. I also believe that each person's purpose will be something that person loves doing, so in finding the purpose, happiness and fulfillment will naturally be found. This is where the life passion lies.

On the 30th of December 2012, I went for a palm reading from a gypsy named Amalia Lavengra. She had a lovely little carriage that she does her readings in. I had to wait about half an hour in the cold for my turn, and I was preparing myself for any negative readings she might give. Now, I know some people might be skeptical about these kind of things, but I looked at it with an open mind, telling myself not to take it too seriously. When it was finally my turn, I went in and sat down. I asked for a reading and suffice to say, her readings were all positive comments (The friends that I have told this to all said, "She says that to everyone". Might be true, we'll never know.). 

What was significant about this was, that after the reading, my mind was racing, trying to process what I've just been told. This triggered something in me. Its the realisation that I have in me all along, all that I need to be successful. This is also when a spark ignited in me, a desire to find my life passion. 

This was when I heard it, it was loud and it wanted my attention badly. This was my life passion, banging on the door of my soul, asking to be let into my life. At the moment, I do not have the key that would allow me to open that door and let my passion in. This is what my project will be about, finding the key to opening this door.

1 comment:

  1. Hi ! My name is Hanna ; i'm french, i've been looking for Amélia's contact number for months... I need to talk to her regarding something she said that keeps coming back to me. I'd be Grateful for any help, thank you.
