Thursday 10 January 2013

The 52-week Life Passion Project.

Just before New Year's eve of 2012, on the 30th of December, something happened that changed the way I think. And as I was looking through my email, I stumbled upon a mail that led me to Barrie Davenport's book, The 52-week Life Passion Project. I was pretty excited and bought the book straight away. Could it be just a coincidence that i find this book? Perhaps. But I had a feeling that it was what I have been looking for.

On the 8th of January, my book finally arrived. I couldn't wait to get started on it. Knowing that it would be a year-long project, I wanted to take it slow and go though each week carefully. So I read the first chapter before going to sleep, planning to ponder upon what the upcoming task was on my bed. As i was reading, the idea of writing up a blog for this journey struck me. And hence, this is where I will be sharing my journey for all to see.

I would like to give a special shout out to two of my closest friends. The three of us share the vision of bright future. One where we pave our own path towards success. I hope they would go on this amazing journey with me and together we shall uncover our life passion.

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