Wednesday 13 March 2013

Week 7: The Fear Challenge

Week 7

How can you prepare yourself for the inevitability of fear and resistance? What can you do to challenge fear and re-frame it into something useful in this process of finding your passion?

Write down ideas and practical actions you can take when fear or resistance creep in or launch a surprise attack. Keep your actions handy so you can reach for them when needed.

As we know, fear and resistance are inevitable, but its what we do in the face of fear and resistance that matters. In May of 2012, I attended Anthony Robbin's workshop, Unleash The Power Within and there, we did the firewalk. The act of walking on hot coals itself is nothing short of amazing, more importantly, it's the metaphor of what the firewalk represents. It challenges your beliefs, if you can walk on fire, what can you not do?

Over the next few days, we were taught various techniques that we can use to empower ourselves. One of the crucial technique is changing your physiology, your body language. How we carry ourselves has an effect on our psychology, for example, when you slouch or droop your shoulders, you'll probably be feeling down but change your posture and stand up straight and stand with purpose and you can instantly feel the difference.

Basically, when you are faced with a challenge, stand up to it, don't back down, say, "Bring it! I'm ready!". It also helps when you have an "action" that can help to pysch you up. Like Nike said, Just Do It.

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