Tuesday 5 March 2013

Week 6: Resistance and Fear

Week 6

"Where do you feel resistance around finding and living your life passion? Where and how are you pushing back against doing this creative work? What fears are attached to your resistance?

Complete the following sentence as many times as you can until you run out of answers: "I am showing resistance to finding my passion by ... "

Now do the same for this statement: "I am resistant because I am afraid that ... "

So, let's get started.

First, I am showing resistance to finding my passion by...

  • procrastinating
  • inconsistency
  • not believing in myself
  • caring too much about what others say

I am resistant because I am afraid that
  • I will fail
  • I am not worthy
  • I am not capable enough
  • I will be laughed at

Somehow these kind of questions always make me come up with blanks. Maybe it's because I've always been positive minded. But I do recognise that my biggest problem is procrastination and inconsistency and I am still working towards overcoming them.

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