Sunday 3 February 2013

What's Changed Since Childhood

Week 4 : What's Changed Since Childhood

"Write down every one of the limiting beliefs and fears you've carried from childhood. Are they still true for you or even partially true? Really? How are they not true? What is the evidence you have from today, this time of your life, that they are no longer true?"

As a child, most of us have the illusion that to become successful, you'll have to leave work early and come home late, working behind the desk, looking at a computer screen all day. Family members played a big part in this, watching them go to work and come back, everyday seemed to be just the same routine. But as I grew older, I realised that, working from day to night doesn't make you successful.

To me, success means doing what you love, having no financial worries, and having family and friends that support you. Sitting behind a desk all day definitely doesn't fit into my vision of success. As of now, I'm working on acquiring a new set of skills that would allow me to break free from the monotonous routine. Coaching, to be specific. I have a feeling that it would be something that I would really enjoy doing; helping others in achieving their goals. I may not be able to do it full time straight off, but I can start part time and slowly work my way up. 

Another one of my limiting belief was that I'm satisfied with 'just enough'. This applies academically, since young, I have been doing well in school. It seemed that even without putting in too much effort, I could score well in exams. My results were not the best in class but knowing that I passed, I was satisfied. 

Now, I've started thinking about what would happen if I put all my effort into it? What would my result be like? I'm coming to the end of my studying life and could be the last chance for me to prove myself. That is why I'm working as hard as I can. It's not a contest with the other course mates but a battle with myself. To show that by putting in hard work, nothing is impossible. 

For now, these are the only limiting beliefs I can think of. If I do think about more, I will come back and add on to this. 

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